Sunday, December 27, 2009 - Please don't die!

A girl phoned me the other day and said, "Come on over, there's nobody home." I went over. Nobody was home. -Rodney Dangerfield
I would comment but I can't think of anything to say, plus, I'm laughing too much for my brain to function.
Anyway, we haven't posted for a while. Oh no, HAZEL, WHERE ARE YOU? We can't let this blog die this sad and terrible fate which my blog already has oops okay never mind.

You know, yesterday I was thinking I had something to post on this blog that I just had to post but today I totally forgot D: Oh yeah, I've thought of something to say but I'm not sure if that's what I wanted to blog about yesterday.

I had dinner with my maternal family yesterday. In celebration of my grandma's birthday or something. We were eating in some random ulu I-was-going-to-say-restaurant-but-that-sounds-too-posh. Well, it was a shop that occupied two adjacent spaces. So there were like big tables on one side (the side we ate on) and on the other side there were smaller tables for 4 people or less kind of thing and also the cashier and the kitchen. And one of them (maternal family) was a full-time Buddhist so she was vegetarian so we all had to eat vegetarian food which included fake sharks fin, fake meat-like thing, veggies, tofu, mushrooms and such. In short, it was sucky. And the people just mostly gossiped about random stuff, people, and their overseas trip. And so, we wasted one whole dinner.

Oh I'm uploading jiuzhaigou photos as I type. JIUZHAIGOU IS DAMN PRETTY I TELL YOU. <3 <3 <3 One day I will go back there again in autumn (haha, I know what's the exact time period to go there for the best views courtesy of the tour guide - you can't go there just any time during October... only the 10th to 20th because before that the people are celebrating their national day and after that, winter might come any time or something), armed with a proper camera and everything and take pics. And I will also go to the other place which the tour guide recommended ("the prettiest place in the whole of China"). It's like, you don't have to go to New Zealand or Europe or wherever just for amazing scenery. It's right here in Asia - China. We went to Guilin first, which was a scenic spot and also very pretty. Then yunnan, beijing (my second time there)... Then jiuzhaigou, which puts guilin to shame. And next time, I'm doing Daochengyading, the place the tour guide recommended. You have to take two days of bus ride to go there but it's simply amazing. It's better than jiuzhaigou because jiuzhaigou's waters are awesome, but the mountains are so-so but this place is just awesome. The tour guide gave each of us a card advertising the place and I'm hooked (as you can obviously tell). I want to go there!! Besides the photos I'm uploading on facebook (which you must check out), I'm have lots of postcards of the places there - all so pretty <3.

Okay, enough gushing on about jiuzhaigou and so on. Bye!

|sand! ;D| 11:40 AM|

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - (continued from the previous post)

(P.S. The last few letters are screwed because we were fighting over the keyboard. OKAY HE'S NOT STUPID WHATEVER. Fine, are you happy now?)

|sand! ;D| 6:21 PM|

- uh, can't think of a title, really

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." -Oscar Levant
I say when we go back to school, we all speak gibberish and run amok and wreck the place! Maybe this will boost chances of us moving to a new campus, since the whole school is destroyed anyway. Just kidding.
Uh, an update about what's happening these days... CCAO rehearsal today. Was a little waste of time. We just walked in, played La (Cumparsita) once through, walked out, stoned around for a long while, (second round) walked in, sat down, walked out, went home. It was probably more for the benefit of the runners and the PITs and prefects in charge to ensure the overall running of the event.

Nothing much really. Except that I have really tanned. (Please don't say "Sandra! You're more black!" or something.) I really need to do something productive. Like my tuition homework. Or design the new costume for guitar (everyone must submit a copy). Or -yes!- read THE MANUAL OF LIFE SAVING which should prove the most interesting. I wonder how Shanon, the other girl who has passed gold star with me earlier and has also received (okay, paid for and received) the book which we are supposed to study. Not that I have been very much. Therefore, I'm going to read it today. I hope.

And um, my brother is disturbing me now. He whacked me. I whacked him back. And so on, for a while. Until he decided that he would run away. Oh, he came back and whacked me again. Then with my bolster. I chased him and he ran to his room and locked the door. I said, "just remember, when you open the door, I'll be waiting." Then I kept quiet. A few seconds later, he opened the door hesitantly. I pushed it open and whacked him with his bolster. Hard. Then I came back and typed more. And now, he's disturbing me again and reading whatever I write. Which is annoying. He's laughing at what I write. He's kind of stupid I think. Okay fine, he's not. But just, kind of an\;

|sand! ;D| 6:20 PM|

Saturday, December 19, 2009 - Random CLASSES :D

" There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

Well, that's just peachy, coz nothing is ever a miracle for me. But would that mean brushing your teeth is a miracle... etc? Haha :)


CLASS 310 '10 <3 :) so cool 10 10 :D AND TIFF IS IN THE SAME CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! YAY! :D But aww I can't be lab partners with her anymore coz more people surname Tan =.= But Tiff and I are going to BRIBE THEM HEHEHEHE :)

Oh Sand! Alagu is in the same class, but she's taking Geog. Apparently 310 is mixed Trip Science Geog/Lit... O___O Classes are weirdly mixed up. Leen and Bella are in 310 too, I think! :)

OH YEAH. My father bought me my own laptop. (PSLE present!!!! so long overdue!!!!) BUT THEN HE WENT AND CREATED ACCOUNTS for my MOTHER AND SISTER!!!!! AGHHH. GRAH.

MH: Saaand, I want scrooge and xmas tree mouse! I am missing day one and three! D: WHYYY.

And I have an XMAS present for u. See you at the rehearsal in school! :) Mel, too!


|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 9:00 PM|

Friday, December 18, 2009 - unslightly tanlines

"Everybody hates me because I'm so universally liked." -Peter de Vries
Ooh, I like this. Humorous. But nothing much to comment on. Moving on...

Today I went swimming again. 10+ in the morning. It was quite cold. I was shivering as I went in and after about two laps, patches of my skin on my arms and legs felt a little numb. Awesome! Anyway, since I showered there and there wasn't a mirror in the cubicle, it was only when I came home and showered after badminton that I saw the tan lines on my back.

I took a double-take on seeing them. Me, someone who swims often (I wouldn't classify myself as a swimmer - I'm not good enough), who should be used to tan lines. They were really... wow. You can't really imagine them unless you have that distinctive tan lines yourself or you have seen them. It's the tan lines only swimmers can get because for swimming costumes are tight and so the lines are exactly... distinctive, unlike FBTs or something. And tan lines on a swimmer's back are especially contrasting because they get the full glory of the sun pelting (to use a xiaohan word :D) on my horizontal back. I couldn't possibly convey the extent of the distinctiveness and the contrast here. Okay, imagine someone drew all over my back, and filled in two shades: a deeper shade of my usual tan, and a colour that's close to Leen's skin fairness. And the outlines are super definite. It's like, as I said, as if someone drew lines with a pencil or something all over my back that kind of distinct. I'm still wow-ing over them.

(Oh, be warned. The following is a lot of ranting about swimming. So, consider yourself warned!)
Anyway, I feel frustrated by swimming today. It struck me how bad at swimming I really was. There was a group of swimmers there, with an instructor. I think they were competitive swimmers, which means their strokes are well, awesome. Like the school swimmers. Generally, my strokes are kind of average - my breaststroke/frog style, survival back stroke, side stroke are still okay (and obviously these are of the "survival" kind). But my butterfly, (competitive) back, freestyle downright SUCK. Especially butterfly. I'm very displeased with it. Problem is, I don't know if my co-ordination is even correct. Like for breaststroke, it's one kick, one pull, one breathe. And, you get the idea. But I've been taught for butterfly, it's every two kicks is to one pull - kick, kick + pull at the same time and so on. But it doesn't seem to work. It's super tiring for my arms. After half a lap, I'm dying. I manage to (I wanted to say 'crawl' but it doesn't seem to apply in the water...) flop/swim my way to the end. My bro said when he went for the Tuesday class (we go on Thursdays but he had to change due to CCA), he told me his co-ordination was slightly different and also, our instructor taught him the second kick to dive down deeper (if you know, in butterfly you swim with your whole body flopping like dolphins' tail action thing...) and when you surface to pull/for air it's easier to pull. But I'm afraid of learning it in case it's wrong. I mean, it wouldn't really matter but I don't want to be swimming my whole life a wrong stroke... Result: emo mood.

Okay, with that ranting of my chest now, I have nothing much to say. Except mousehunt is superlatively irritating. I hate events. They interrupt my schedule. Now I'm stuck as a legendary who hasn't even completed furoma yet. Pfft. Anyway, there's tuition tomorrow. And homework's far from completed. But I don't care that much now. But my mom's making me (alliteration!) finish it. Too bad for me I guess.

|sand! ;D| 7:35 PM|

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - Random Things to talk about

"Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." -- Steven Coallier

Yay :D I knew those advertisement lessons earlier this year would pay off whee! Hmm Sand, do you have CCA on Fridays? I think it may be on a Friday. Then you can shunbian go afterward!!!! 8D Haha but yeah, too early to think about it now :) BUT KEEP IT IN MIND :) Oh yea~ I know, it was the part about Perseus right! It's really amazing :) Even though we have a long way to go...

Sorry larh Sand, I can't really be bothered to post on my blog hee hee coz I don't like the blogskin! Emotional attachment and all that :D But IF I find a nice, new blogskin that I like like like will you help me download the image or whatever it is I have to do to stop things like PHOTOSHOP ACCOUNT DISABLED happening again? D: My BENEATH THE SKIES blogskin was kind of... well. You know 8D Pretty pleaseeee~ With cherries and sugar icing and chocolate chips!

Man I sure feel like it's some husband thing. You get married to your blogskin then when it dies you don't want to blog anymore D: Heheeheeee.

I read this Romance thing, Mel. It was... bleah. Ok, so most of them I read because they are bleh and are not deep and everything, but this one was plain weird. As in... I don't even know how the heck he fell in love. But bleah. x.X OH I BORROWED A NON ROMANCE BOOK. *applause* It's called The Thief of Time or something like that. Can't really remember. About some guy who doesn't age, then he wonders what life is all about. Haven't read it yet, though.

But there was some resounding phrase... I think it went something like: I don't die. I just keep growing older.

Dunno sounded good to me :D

I am not tuition free and dandy 8D My mother doesn't really believe in tuition whee! But I have to work harder to keep grades up D: But I strongly believe a 66 percent in Chinese is not that bad! Just 4 more percent! Coz my First Sem was like 53 percent, Second was like 70 ++ ... yeah. I need to work harder *whistles*

But ok I'm totally past my curfew... so see you guys :)


(Psst, Sand, you need to send me the money first. I'm kinda broke after sending money to Tiff to buy me planks xD)

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 9:03 PM|

- Ramblings of a not-so-sane old lady young teen

"Sure I'm for helping the elderly. I'm going to be old myself some day." -Lillian Carter
So, helping the elderly has a much bigger incentive now, right? Haha, guys, look out for old ladies crossing the road next time! Or, old ladies with groceries spilled on the pavement. (I realise it's always old ladies as the stereotype. No old men or anything. Probably they're too busy being stereotyped as chicopeks, how-do-you-spell-it. Oh well, too bad for them. Old ladies are going to get all the help then.)
(A little bit of mousehunt - then no more for the rest of the post :D) Hazel, will you send me 10 planks please? I'll pay you back however you want. >< thanks.
Unlike Hazel, I have nothing to advertise about. Except to say now I'm probably going for cadenza. Yay, your advertising worked! But one of the main incentive is that it is at the beginning of the year of our very hectic sec 3 life as a RGS student. And that Hazel's playing in it, of course. I WILL SUPPORT YOU HAZEL! but it is not guaranteed that I'll go. I may not be able to make it etc.

Anyway, the holidays are slipping away~! D: I hope this blog won't go dead immediately once sec 3 starts. I hope it won't go dead at all, as often happens with many blogs, even those that aren't joint blogs (hint hint mine). Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

Oh damn, I was going to say how I'm uncertain about going back to school, and not looking forward much to sec 3 life but eager to find out my new class and classmates and everything (but not so eager to find out who my geog teacher is eeps) BUT I'm gasping at myself for talking about it so early. This topic should be reserved for the last week of school or something.

Oh, back to my tuition homework. How I envy Hazel, who is fine and dandy and tuition-free. I need to convince my mom I don't really need Chinese tuition and my grades for Chinese will never improve anyway and it'll be a waste of her money. On the other hand though, tuition is actually fun. Every week, we talk crap in broken English/Chinese and laugh out heads off and play fail pranks on the teacher. It's just the tuition homework that sucks.

Goodbye, world. I'm going to drown my sorrows in tuition work.

|sand! ;D| 11:18 AM|

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - Random Warmup Exercises

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend."

- Albert Camus (also attributed to Maimonidies).

our conductor made us do this weird stamina buildup thing x) We ran across one step of the amphi, then up the next step and ran back. Then we buzzed on our mouthpieces F major. (For all you people who don't know what mouthpieces are... its the metal thing you stick into your instrument to play into. You can buzz distinct notes on the mouthpiece) Then after we finished the scale, we went up the next step and ran across. Then ran back the upper step. And F major again. So I guess after running you buzz (it takes considerably more effort to buzz distinctive, loud notes on the mouthpiece than the instrument) and it builds lung power because you have to hold the long notes... while you're still gasping for breath. Yes.


Oh yeah I dunno if I'm allowed to do this yet... but I'm in Cadenza Committee!

And since I probably won't have contact with all you 213 guys next year...

here's in advance...


You can buy flowers too I think. (Not confirmed) *hint hint*

But anyway right I think we may have an assembly slot like last year (not confirmed) so y'all can hear some excerpts... but not so sure.

Anyway. I think we are playing PERSEUS -a hero's quest in the heavens

IT SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT. And there's this WONDERFUL PART. WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL. You know coz Perseus is some handsome hunk who saves the beautiful Princess Andromeda (why does this sound like the books I read?) from being eaten by the Sea Kraken... so obviously the fighting venue (hee sounds weird) is the SEA. AND WE CAN MIMIC THE SOUND!!!!! WOOOO. If you guys go Cadenza and we play Perseus, you will know what we mean :) It's only two bars long, but it's PERFECT. Serious. It's like really nice, and Perseus as a whole is great :) :) :) It's super difficult to play so you guys must come and support me :D

Hehee this is a bit early, we are only supp to start publicizing in Feb. But our concert is the first in the school year! And far from SA dates! So you should take the opportunity to rack up your SSAs!

Haha :) But anyway... just publicizing.

Just as a random note... I read the Greek myth (ok actually I read all the Greek myths I could lay my hands on... name one and I could probably tell you the story or the people involved xD ) and HAHA Andromeda is like chained to the rock without clothes.


|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 7:41 PM|

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - CLASS OUTING WAS THE BOMB!

"Money can't buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy." -Spike Milligan
Not that I'm encouraging you random readers to start making enemies when you grow up and become millionaires or presidents or CEO's or rich tai-tai's (who accidentally drip poison into their husband's coffee on a daily basis - just to be sure).
Oh yes, Hazel, there is another way to communicate regarding Mousehunt Matters. The mousehunt cork board. But I realised they were candies. SORRY!

Anyway, I'm here to suan all of you who didn't go for class outing to east coast park because I'm sorry to inform you that it was freakishly awesome! And a good opportunity to earn money because elaine said that she would give a million dollars to get her straw - which she dropped into her bottle - back. AND AND WHO KNEW MIN EE WAS SUCH AN EXPERT IN ROLLERBLADING/INLINE SKATING/WHATEVER YOU WISH TO CALL IT? o: Truth or dare/dare or double dare was simply BOOMZ and too bad to you guys who didn't get to see your fellow classmates do (really, really, really) silly things.

Awww, don't cry. Just remember to pon your CCA trainings/piano lesson/tuition/whatever next time there's a class outing! ;D

|sand! ;D| 6:12 PM|

Monday, December 14, 2009 - Facebook Applications, Blog posts and Band practices

"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Fine, Sandra. You always burst my bubble :) Oh and uhhh I hate to go Mousehunt-ing but Sandra, it's not candles, it's candies. And I already bribed Tiff to buy them for me already :) [i gave her the money]

I sure hope nobody read the second half of the post I posted yesterday. Haha.

Omg la. I was FB-ing. And this random person just FB talked me and said:

You play Castle Age right?

Me: Uh... not really. I kind of stopped. [which is almost a lie. I stopped the first day I started playing. It caught my attention for all of 10 minutes]

Person: Okay. Help me kill the sorceress huh thanks.


Anyway. I dawdled too much. And now I have to go... D:

I won't let this blog die!!!!


PS. Sandra, sorry but this is the only way to communicate. I DIDNT GET THE ROBOT THING. But I got the mitts. Will I still get the surprise in store that Larry talks about? :D Haha sorry guys.

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 9:14 PM|

Sunday, December 13, 2009 - Dearest Hazel, I have my blueprints too!

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." -H. G. Wells
Well, I wanted a quote to um, counter Hazel's superiority on her getting of the blueprints but then I realised I got them too so. The quote's not really appropriate but it's quite cool and I'm too lazy to search further.

I have my base blueprints now. I need my trap blueprints (and hopefully an ornament and scrooge mouse) and after getting any necessary items, I'm out of the festive comet for good. So much for saving gold - in between sending them on gingerbread planks, spending them on supplies for crafting the trap/base (soon), getting rice paper for my ambush trap, traveling... it'll be all gone by the time ronza comes.

Anyway, shall stop talking about mousehunt. I know all you non-mousehunters are getting bored with the crazed addicts rambling on about them. *hint hint hazel*

Class outing tomorrow either to east coast park or pasir ris park. Originally, it is koo's house or east coast. Then we can't go her house, only the tennis/basketball courts. So we decided to go east coast. Then we realised pasir ris park was cooler (GO PASIR RIS WHOO!) so now Dawne and I are sms/calling the peeps who can go and asking them. -later- Oh, east coast final. 'Cause someone can't make it. DAWNE HAD THE COOLEST IDEA - SAND CASTLE COMPETITION!! Er yeah, shall stop rambling about this topic.

Thought-provoking random question from sandra: If everybody in the world had to be unicorns, would you be Charlie, the pink, or the blue sidekick?

|sand! ;D| 10:19 PM|


They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
YES I HAVE THE BLUEPRINTS. Sandra are you jealous ~ (whistles). GINGERBREAD BASE BLUEPRINTS. YES YES YES YES DOUBLE TRIPLE QUADRUPLE YESSSSSS. :) Yay. Yay. YAY. (I think you guys get the point xP )

Hi Mich :D HARLO HANNY! I saw those WONDERFUL WONDERFUL earrings yun zhen made! But no pierced ears, bleh. Ok I shall pierce my ears by sec 4 (yet another promise to myself I will never fulfill)

Hanny, have you read Frankenstein yet? The first time I read it I was like: What the hell are they talking about? Coz like years ago I read some abridged simplified version of it. Then when I read the book for next year, I was like: why is there no mention of Frankenstein, who the heck is Margaret and who is this Robert guy and why do they keep talking about his cousin Elizabeth his brother Edward (lol) his father Alphonse but NO Frankenstein?

I was having a headache at that time. Yes. Then I read it again, and FINALLY I get it. Robert met some guy... then he saved him and the guy told him the story of Frankenstein, the monster he created. And so on and so forth. I felt sorry for Frankenstein. But I BET that the Lit curriculum will involve a lot more than "how do you feel?" "oh i feel soo sorry for Frankenstein".

And Hanny, you had to go off and get Lit RA! :D By which, you should totally owe me a cookie? We were betting whose lit was better right. Haha :) Anyway I'm very dreading next year (wow, great english). Why oh WHY did I have to go and take trip science? WHY DID I NOT CHOOSE DOUBLES?!!!!

I am so screwed. AHH. Goodbye GPA 3.6. Anyone who wants to come to my funeral please bring roses :D I like roses. Red ones are best but I realize red roses aren't really ideal for a funeral. But white roses are so drab. And yellow is a no-no. Geez.

I realize the above paragraph was very random :D

And here's a random declaration: I borrowed this book last week and the picture on the front (I mean inside the fake cover) WAS ACTUALLY NOT THAT UGLY. The guy actually did not look like the usual ones. He actually looked like he deserved getting some pretty lady fall in love with him in like a week's time. But maybe that's because I could only see half of his face... and a bit of his shoulder.

AFTER THIS IS A RANT :D all are free to escape NOW or live to regret it :)

OH AND I BORROWED THIS BOOK. It was horrendous. It really is. All those with delicate minds and fragile hearts and who realize I'm rambling please do feel free to click the little red button at the top right hand corner of the window :)

ANYWAY. The blurb went something like this (not word for word, but... you get the gist of it) We are the D'Artigo sisters, half human, half fae, sexy and savvy... something something something... officers for dunno what CSI Fae or something. Unfortunately, our mixed blood short curcuits our talents at all the wrong times. My sister, Camille, is a good-evil with whose powers are as unpredictable as the weather. Delilah, is a werecat, and turns into a golden tabby at the worst possible moments. And me? I'm Menolly, acrobat extraodinaire turned vampire, and if those demons don't watch out, I'm going to turn their toga party into a bloodbath.

etc etc. save my sister Delilah from getting her soul eaten.

It sounded quite okay! And the label on the side was heart shaped. So I thought- why not give it a go??

So I borrowed it! It was pretty boring the first few pages, talking about some missing elf named Sabele (ooo pretty name). So I flipped to the back randomly. And you know, if it's a love story, usually the ending is nice and happy and all that. But there was no like: OH I WILL LOVE U FOREVER. kind of thing. But there was a glossary of people. So I scanned through, trying to find who Menolly ended up with. And there it was:

NERISSA SHALE- Menolly's lover.

I went: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. WHAT WHAT WHAT. And then below it:

ROZURIAL (ROZE) - Male incubus, Menolly's secondary lover.

I went: AHHHHH *throws book on the floor*

And do you know, her sister Camille has three husbands? Smoky, a silver and white dragon, Morio, a youkai-kitsune (roughly transaltes to fox demon in jap i think. dunno whether i got it right) and some Svartan. I dunno what that is.


And I read on... and I was like wth. All of them are ahem ahem. FEMALE LOVERS AHH.

Seriously. People write these depraved kinds of books!!!!!!!!


Oh sand! I nid 5 candies to build the base :D do you mind giving me some? If you need it later on I will give some to you too :)


And hi to all you people again :) Oh did you know this blog from Sandra? I only posted on Mel's tagboard :P

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 7:54 PM|

Saturday, December 12, 2009 - Publicity!

Second Quote of the Day for this blog:
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it." - Mary Wilson Little
Well, how apt. The present generation reflects this quote very well.

Anyway, in response to Hazel's tag, we should publicize this blog. For it is Very Interesting and Full of Nonsense Sudden Random Declarations and of course, almost-daily dosage of quotes. So, starting with putting the url in my pm in WLM and tagging on people's blogs with the link.

Oh btw, concerning the tagboard, I've changed all the codes so you can safely type ":D" without the fear of the ugly blue emoticon grinning/smirking at you.

|sand! ;D| 9:14 PM|

- Random Rendezvous

"In heaven all the interesting people are missing."

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)

Dum de dum~

I don't really want this blog to go dead so I have to post post post post :D Maybe I should spread URL a bit more. Oh and Sand, I am gonna change our description a bit <3

AND I STILL HAVE NOT GOTTEN blueprints yet. Grahh. But maybe when the comet melts more...

Minyi's back from Taiwan... I think she's the only Brass going for batch chalet.

I do realize all these statements are very random. I'm playing Pet Society now. Home Inn. Mousehunt. Restaurant City. Sorority Life. Country Story. I think I play wayyy too many games.

Home Inn is a ripper! All my presents disappeared! GAHH. My reindeer and Xmas sock! Plus the gift (reindeer) that the customer gave was cash! GAHHHHHH. CHEAT. Oh and my sis got ripped of a room x) haha.

Anyway I have nothing else to say. Randomness has reached a new level. X.X

Hazel~ *hugs and kisses and happy days* <<<<<<<<<<< what is this?!

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 8:19 PM|

Friday, December 11, 2009 - the birth of this blog

"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff." - Frank Zappa (1990 - 1943)

Quirky quote (ooh, alliteration) for the day. Anyway, if you can't see the title of this post yet, it's "the birth of this blog". If you can't see it, I'll edit the template. Soon. Tomorrow perhaps. Now, I desperately need to do my tuition homework. My teacher is unfortunately back from her month-long overseas trip. And I have not finished even half of my work. Oops. says:
 sandra lets create a livejournal! (sudden random declaration)
 nooo lets create a blog together (second sudden random declaration)
sandra;   swimming <3 says:
 what will we do on the blog?
 make sudden random declarations XD says:
sandra;   swimming <3 says:
 okay, 1st post: "I feel an urge to make a Sudden Random Declaration, so here it is."

That's the moment in Time where we had Inspiration; nothing will ever be the same again. Okay, not so drastic. But I shall end the post. Since hazel has to go and my tuition work awaits. -gulps-

|sand! ;D| 9:18 PM|

- Random Notes

"You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake." Bob Hope

I don't know who the heck Bob Hope is. But I'm guessing somebody well-known (if so, why don't I know who he is?)

This is a totally random post. (as the title of the blog states) I was talking to Sandra and I suddenly said: LETS CREATE A BLOG. So here it is ~

Back to the quote of the day :D HAHAHAHA I love it :) Sorry I'm feeling weirdly random today.
And that's the web Sandra gave me which I shall refer to in future :) I'm now commenting to Leti on this picture of a crane (origami) that she did on Photoshop! Leti is an artistic genius 8D It looks real cool.

And Minyi has not said a word to me for days. Humph. Sorry Sand you don't know who she is. She's my batchmate, she plays the French Horn :D

Ok I don't know what else to write. Randomness~ Since you want to see how to post will turn out here goes Sand :D


Muchos thankos to Sandos for editing the skin! (Which I cannot do because I am a tech idiot)

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 8:43 PM|

hazel & sandra
one Bandgeek and one sane guitarist
computer games and tv shows, swimming and SANDy beaches (geddit)
one tech idiot and one with average html know-how

two not-so-innocent souls

cel the old
cel the new

December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
January 2012
February 2012

:.matchstix designs.: