Saturday, February 11, 2012 - RJ life?

I did go back earlier than the rest during orientation dinners - and now I regret it. Oh well. At least our OG is still actively lepaking together.

Haha I didn't post the random knitting blogs because no one's interested in random knitting blogs. I'm not even interested in them so why am I rea- oh nevermind.

School. Oh school ): if we had a abrupt transition to active-mugging/studying it'd be great. But no, we had an extra week of holidays, then JIP, and no school again. Then orientation which was a blast and made us all feel like not studying but expecting to, then a week of semi-school (lectures, no tutorials). Because studying in JC is a lot more self-regulatory and therefore requires a lot more discipline on our part, this strange gentle transition just means that we'd might never get down to proper study life.

I also liked how in 411 there were no clear distinctions between muggers and non-muggers. There are definitely people who study more and those that study less but the 'muggers' would also go for class outings and be high and part of us and the 'non-muggers' would also study (in varying degrees/amounts) even with 'muggers' and so on. No one hates on the muggers and muggers don't hate on the non-muggers or anything.

Not so in RJ. There are muggers and there are the people who discriminate against them. I feel kind of in between (because I classify myself to be one of those between the extreme ends of the spectrum). It feels strange.

|sandra| 9:06 AM|

Saturday, February 4, 2012 - Orientation

I browsed through citizen kerry and there's nothing about knitting in there o.o
My brain may not be functioning properly LOL.

How was orientation for you, sand? I feel so tired, I went to sleep last night at like, 11 oclock, all the way until like 9 this morning :'D I wish I could have stayed longer for dinner though, I went back quite early.

Man, this means we have to start studying and everything already ): Not looking forward to it hahaha.

Orientation was... fun. I guess XD I couldn't play many games, but I'm quite thankful actually looking at the viciousness of it all XD Never knew people could be so violent LOL. But Orientation was definitely more fun than sec 1. I didn't really enjoy Sec 1 Orientation. What little I can remember of it, anyway. Actually, I can't remember any of it at all HAHA.

See you around school sandy dear D:

|☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆♥══♥☆★ hazel ★☆| 10:36 AM|

hazel & sandra
one Bandgeek and one sane guitarist
computer games and tv shows, swimming and SANDy beaches (geddit)
one tech idiot and one with average html know-how

two not-so-innocent souls

cel the old
cel the new

December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
January 2012
February 2012

:.matchstix designs.: